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Review Book Launch Diccon Bewes

I have to admit, I was not sure if the famous author will actually make it, because he was travelling along the WA Coast just until the day of his book launch in Perth. Alberto Tassone who open the door to host this event engaged his culinary team to prepare some delicious food. Paul Despot and Rebecca Darling prepared the catering and made it to be an excellent experience for the book lovers.

Diccon Bewes explained in colourful ways how he experienced the Swiss culture since he lives in Switzerland. A lot of the anecdotes made us all laugh loud out, because we know how true it is. For expats living in another countries, these examples were extra funny because we know how truly they can make your life difficult because we experience the same in the country we have chosen to call our new home. In mind, the distance to Switzerland gives room to see the actual little habits when we go back to Switzerland to spend time with our loved ones or just to enjoy Switzerland.

Book launch of Diccon Bewes on Tuesday 8th of May in West Perth at the new campus of Stanley College. 25 book lovers found their way to West Perth.